The requestor wrote: "Right now I get a separate row for each Diagnosis_Code with the same service_ID, I need them to appear as separate columns in one row for each service_ID. There are other columns in the output not listed here, so it cannot be a crosstab, unless that can be nested, I don't know."
The problem description went something like this:
I have a table Diagnosis_Codes with a list of codes as Diagnosis_Code, PK Diagnosis_Code_ID
I have a table Service_Diagnoses which has FK Service_IDs and FK Diagnosis_Code_IDs and Service_IDs
I have a table Services with Service_IDs
For one Service_ID, there can be multiple entries in Service_Diagnoses pointing to that Service_ID. Service_Diagnoses.Diagnosis_Code_ID is used to get a human usable definition for each entry in Service_Diagnoses. It is possible for a single Service_ID to have multiple (not more than 4) entries in Service_Diagnoses.
(Hope that is understandable)
Here is what I need to do:
For each service ID I must produce 1 row. In this row, I need the Service_ID, and the (up to 4) Diagnosis_Code's.
Service_ID | Diagnosis_Code1 | Diagnosis_Code2 | Diagnosis_Code3 | Diagnosis_Code4
Or, it can even be the Service_ID and the (up to 4) Service_Diagnoses.Diagnosis_Code_ID
------------------------------------------------------------------ end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now I admit, usually when someone posts something like this, I try to get a little more information. But after I looked at this one for a bit, it was clear enough that I could see what the requestor wanted, but the problem is a pivot isn't well-suited for his 'free-form' kind of result.
So I returned to a trusted approach that served me well before PIVOT came along, and turned out to be the solution to the requestor's needs (and got me the 'best answer' cookie)!
Here is most of that reponse (and all that you need to understand how to craft the solution to this problem!)
If I understand your tables, they would look something like these:
SELECT * FROM serviceid
SELECT * FROM diagnosis
diagid diagcode
78 froze
12 burnt
23 dead
56 broke
SELECT * FROM servicediag
serviceid diagid
123 78
123 12
123 23
456 78
456 12
456 23
789 56
789 23
123 56
The first thing I like to do is a query that joins all the tables together and lets me see how the data looks when combined.
You can put it into a real table or a temp table, but the query below does the joins.
SELECT s.serviceid, sd.diagid, d.diagcode
INTO serviceidlist
FROM serviceid AS s
LEFT OUTER JOIN servicediag AS sd ON s.serviceid=sd.serviceid
LEFT OUTER JOIN diagnosis AS d ON sd.diagid=d.diagid
The resulting table contents can be seen using the following:
SELECT * FROM serviceidlist;
serviceid diagid diagcode
456 78 froze
456 12 burnt
456 23 dead
789 56 broke
789 23 dead
123 78 froze
123 12 burnt
123 23 dead
123 56 broke
But you want one line for service id, with a max of four columns of diagnostic code ids, so we need to apply a running sequence,
(1 - 4) for each serviceid.
INTO serviceidorderedlist
FROM serviceidlist
Now the list looks like the one from the following query on the resulting table, "serviceidorderedlist".
SELECT * FROM serviceidorderedlist
serviceid diagid diagcode rn
123 12 burnt 1
123 23 dead 2
123 56 broke 3
123 78 froze 4
456 12 burnt 1
456 23 dead 2
456 78 froze 3
789 23 dead 1
789 56 broke 2
Now, all we need is a technique to consolidate all the diag code ids for the service id.
SELECT serviceid, SUM([diagid1])[diagid1], SUM([diagid2])[diagid2], SUM([diagid3])[diagid3], SUM([diagid4])[diagid4]
SELECT serviceid, diagid[diagid1], 0[diagid2], 0[diagid3], 0[diagid4] FROM serviceidorderedlist WHERE rn=1
SELECT serviceid, 0[diagid1], diagid[diagid2], 0[diagid3], 0[diagid4] FROM serviceidorderedlist WHERE rn=2
SELECT serviceid, 0[diagid1], 0[diagid2], diagid[diagid3], 0[diagid4] FROM serviceidorderedlist WHERE rn=3
SELECT serviceid, 0[diagid1], 0[diagid2], 0[diagid3], diagid[diagid4] FROM serviceidorderedlist WHERE rn=4
GROUP BY serviceid
The query above generates a line for each instance of a service id, up to 4 and sticks the appropriate diag code id into the correct column and 0 into the other columns. The union of all the queries in the derived table (dt) gives you up to 4 lines for each service id where only one column has a diag code and the other 3 have 0's; 1 row for each intersection of a service id and a diag code id. But there can still be up to 4 rows of a service id. So we 'wrap' the derived table query (dt) with another select that groups on the service id and sums the diag code columns. Since only on row in the set for any column has a diag code, adding 0 in the sum function has no effect on altering the data, and you get the result below
serviceid diagid1 diagid2 diagid3 diagid4
123 12 23 56 78
456 12 23 78 0
789 23 56 0 0
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